Banana Boat simply Protect Sport Spray SPF50 170 g.
Banana Boat Ultra Mist Sport Cool Skin protection, sun protection, sunscreen, sunscreen spray, sun blocker, sun lotion, suntan lotion, sun cream SPF50 Protect both UVA and UVB with freshness refreshing clean and refreshing.
Aloha Dennat, Alobaba, Badensis, Insect Bain, Sofin-3, Butyl Methane, Dai Ben, Methane, Capillary Krai, Cole, Iso Butane, Isodic Silnio Pantano Athitac, Tacto Xylene, Parfinam, Liquidum, Pafam va / Battilmalee, Sobylacrylate Copolymer.
***Skin protection, sun protection, sunscreen, sunscreen spray, uv spray, sun blocker, sun lotion, suntan lotion, sun cream
Spray sunscreen 20 minutes before sun exposure and should be repeated after sweating / swimming Or when drying the body.
***Skin protection, sun protection, sunscreen, sunscreen spray, uv spray, sun blocker, sun lotion, suntan lotion, sun cream, sun spray, uv spray