Navamed 50 mg/ 2 tablets.
Dizziness medicine It is a medicine used to prevent and treat nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. or illnesses that may result from travel, such as car sickness or seasickness, which will affect brain function and help reduce such symptoms.
Contraindications and precautions
1. Do not use in people who are allergic to this drug or allergic to diphenhydramine.
2. There is no information on the safety of using this drug in certain groups of patients, including children under 2 years of age.
3. And do not drive or operate machinery. because it may cause drowsiness.
Instructions for use of the drug
If taking medicine to prevent nausea, vomiting or dizziness from motion sickness. Get seasick to take your medicine at least half to an hour before departure.
Adverse reactions
Drowsiness, dry mouth, dry throat, thick mucus, difficulty urinating. It is not necessary to stop taking the drug, but if the symptoms are severe, see a doctor.
- motion sickness, car sickness, boat sickness, airsickness, nausea, seasickness, travel sickness, vomitting
# sea sick # mption sickness # sea sickness