Unison enema for adult 20 cc.
Efficacy : relieve constipation.
Causes of Constipation
Constipation occurs when the colon absorbs too much water. or the muscles of the colon contract slowly or sluggishly, causing the stool mass to move slowly through the colon. resulting in a hard stool and more dry.
How to use
- Wash your hands thoroughly. - Twist off the cap at the end of the lamp. - Wear a sheath to prevent irritation. by pushing it close to the base of the tube. - Make the tip of the tube By squeezing the liquid out a little to coat the end of the tube. or use Vaseline. - Lie on your side, insert the tip of the syringe into your anus and slowly squeeze the solution in until the tube is completely empty. then pull out the medicine tube Hold the stool for about 5 minutes or until it becomes unbearable and then pass. - and wash your hands thoroughly.
Side effects : that may occur after use are abdominal pain after the drug enema.
# constipation #laxative #laxative suspository