Vick VapoRub 10 g.
Vicks Vaporub Vicks Vaporub, a vaporizing ointment that relieves nasal congestion. Gentle formula for children has been specially developed For infants aged 3 months and up, no chemicals that irritate the respiratory system or skin.
- Helps you breathe easily. Reduce nasal congestion due to colds - Reduce coughing, relieve headaches Helps you sleep easily.
use for : Headache, Dizziness, Stuffy Nose, Car Sick, Sea Sick, Nasal Congestion, Migraine, Vertigo, Runny nose, Blocked Nose, Dizzy, Air Sickness, Motion Sickness, cold and flu
How to use : -Apply to the chest, back and neck to relieve symptoms of a stuffy nose.
Warning: - Do not eat.
# cold and flu # block nose # running nose # cough # chesting cough